
Principal Investigator
Professor Thomas Chadefaux
Thomas studied Public Administration in Strasbourg, International Politics in Geneva, and received a PhD in Political Science from the University of Michigan in 2009. His research interests include the causes of war, conflict forecasting, and political methodology. He is currently the principal investigator of ERC grant PaCE: Patterns of Conflict Escalation (2022-26).

PhD Student
Emmanuel Akeweje
Emmanuel is a PhD candidate at Trinity College Dublin, where he conducts research on developing algorithms for clustering functional and longitudinal data. He has a strong mathematical background, having obtained two master’s degrees in Mathematical Sciences and Data Science from the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Ghana and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology in Moscow, respectively. His research interests span across Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Machine Learning.

Project Manager
Dr Jemimah Bailey
Jemimah was awarded a MSc in Applied Social Research and a PhD in Sociology from Trinity College Dublin. She has worked on a number of EU funded research projects and currently acts as project manager for PaCE.

PhD Student
Hannah Frank
Hannah studied Social Sciences at Humboldt-University Berlin and obtained a Master of Social Science with Peace and Conflict Studies as her main field of study from Uppsala University. Her research interests include causes of armed conflict, transitions in armed conflict, and conflict prediction. She is currently completing her PhD at Trinity College Dublin.

Research Fellow
Jungmin Han
Jungmin Han is a postdoctoral researcher at Trinity College Dublin. With a primary interest in international rivalry, foreign policy, and public behaviours in democracy, the motivation of his research is to enhance understanding of the micro-foundation of enduring rivalries and their domestic consequences. He employs a multi-method research strategy to generate empirical insights, including quantitative analyses of observational and experimental data and machine-learning approaches.

PhD Student
Junjie Liu
Junjie holds an MPhil degree in Probability and Mathematical Statistics from Hong Kong Baptist University, and his research interests include statistical inference, spatio-temporal model, and text analysis. He is currently a PhD student at Trinity College Dublin and investigating conflict forecasting.

Research Fellow
Chien Lu
Chien Lu is currently a research fellow in the PaCE project. He obtained his Ph.D. from Tampere University in Finland. His dissertation explored the intersection of machine learning with a focus on probabilistic representation learning methods and game culture studies. His research interests are centered on developing computational methods to study social phenomena, with an emphasis on probabilistic machine learning, and Bayesian data analysis.

Research Fellow
Dr Yohan Park
Yohan is currently working in the PaCE project team at Trinity College Dublin as a research fellow. He received a Ph.D. in Political Science at Texas A&M University. His research focuses on the study of conflict processes and political economy, with a particular interest in the use of machine learning and statistical methods to analyse these topics.

PhD Student
Thomas Schincariol
Thomas studied Applied Physics at Bordeaux University, and was awarded his Master in Control and Computing at University of Technology of Troyes and is currently a PhD Candidate at Trinity College Dublin. He is investigating temporal patterns in social forecasting.
Former Team Members
Gareth Lomax
Research Assistant (2022-23)